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Ninth subject in A Noble Company, volume 5 - Peter Wilson.

10th Aug 2014

Peter Wilson (1753-1824) was a New Jersey-born itinerant preacher and missionary church planter. Although not a major figure in American Baptist history, his contribution to the cause of Christ through Particular Baptist pioneer home mission work in America was invaluable. Licensed to preach at the age of 27 in 1780 and ordained to the gospel ministry two years later, Wilson assumed the pastorate of his home church at Hightstown, New Jersey, where he would minister for the next 35 years. Through his itinerancy, new works would be begun at locations not only in New Jersey but in eastern Pennsylvania as well. Wilson’s field of ministry was extensive even by modern standards, but not altogether uncommon for Baptist ministers in that day. His ministry has been characterized as “apostolic” because of his long and frequent trips into destitute areas to evangelize and preach. He baptized a total of 952 persons before his death in May 1824.