For those that do not know, Myron Dillow, our dear friend and author of our latest book - John Mason and Sarah Paine Peck: Missionaries Extraordinaire - went home to be with His Lord on October 30, 20
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This wraps up the review of our latest book just released - John Mason and Sarah Paine Peck: Missionaries Extraordinaire, by Myron Dillow. We have included an extensive Annotated Bibliography (23 page
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The next couple posts will be about the "stuff" in the back of the book that adds to the value of the work - our latest release: John Mason and Sarah Paine Peck: Missionaries Extraordinaire, by Myron
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It's here!! Our latest book - John Mason and Sarah Paine Peck: Missionaries Extraordinaire, by Myron D. Dillow and edited by Douglas J. Holcomb - has arrived!For more information and to order your cop
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