Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Can I Order a Book if I Want it Shipped Outside of the United States?
If you want an order shipped to an address outside of the US, you may order our books in one of several ways:
Call us 417-883-0342 to place your order
Email us at
Mail us your order using our mail order form
Visit our United Kingdom (UK) distributor - Christian Bookshop Ossett.
2. What if the book I want is out of stock. When will it be back in stock?
During our over 25 year history, we have published more than 60 books. Some of those are now out of stock. We are willing to reprint those volumes again when the Lord provides funding for the printing cost - usually $7,000 to $10,000, depending upon the book and the number of copies printed. In the past we have had individuals, churches, and other organizations contribute to the cost of printing a particular book. The list of books out of print is on our "Donate and Standing Orders" page. Should the Lord lay it on your heart to provide all or part of the funding for one of these books, please contact us at 417-883-0342 for more information.