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Noble Company, volume 10 - George Dana Boardman

29th Nov 2017

“The transformation of the Karen people of Burma from a despised, down-trodden, backward race to a people with a prominent and honorable position in the life of Burma is recognized as one of the outstanding achievements of the foreign missionary movement. As a Christian reads the story of their advancement, he cannot but exclaim, ‘What hath God wrought!’ The human instrument used of God to initiate this transformation was George Dana Boardman. He lived but thirty years, and spent only four of these years in Burma; yet his ability, character, and attainments, and, above all, the intensity and devotion of his life, were such as to leave an enduring influence. His life continues to be an inspiration to all those who love their fellow men and work for the advancement of the kingdom of God.” --Joseph Chandler Robbins

George Dana Boardman (1801-1831) is the first subject in our new volume of our Noble Company series - Volume 10. It is due to be released in early January 2018. In the weeks to come, we will be reviewing all the subjects in this new book.