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Chapter 6 of Ohio history reviewed

Chapter 6 of Ohio history reviewed

14th Jun 2023

"Baptist population in Ohio in 1830 was estimated by George Sedwick at 10,000. The growth rate was fair; but the Methodists and Presbyterians were by far the leaders in numerical superiority. The Baptists, for all their “strenuous exertions,” were not able to organize a better system to capture new members in town or city beyond the volunteerism of the congregational system. Yet, within the loosely-structured Baptist framework, the Baptists of Ohio experienced more change during the decades between 1830 and 1850 than any others. Indeed, more events of acute importance to Ohio Baptists occurred between 1830 and 1840 than in any other decade." --quote from Chapter 6 of our latest book on Ohio Baptist history.

The sixth chapter in History of the Baptist Churches in Ohio is entitled, "The Ohio Baptist Convention, 1830-1860: Search for Support."