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John Spilsbury (1593-ca.1662/1668) is the second essay in The British Particular Baptists, Volume 1 Revised

John Spilsbury (1593-ca.1662/1668) is the second essay in The British Particular Baptists, Volume 1 Revised

27th Feb 2019

Though few men may legitimately be called pioneers, John Spilsbury deserves that title. As the first pastor of the original Particular Baptist church in London, he stands at the head of a long and worthy line of Calvinistic Baptists. His leadership among the London churches may be evidenced by the frequent appearance of his name in the public documents of his era, and his importance is acknowledged by the fact that the Calvinistic Baptists across the ocean in New England communicated with him in time of trouble. --James M. Renihan

The British Particular Baptists, Volume 1 Revised - due out at the end of March 2019. The picture is the title page from a book by Spilsbury on baptism.