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Ohio Baptist Churches - Chapter 4

Ohio Baptist Churches - Chapter 4

31st May 2023

"One of the basic arguments developed as much out of resentment as anything. Baptists had generally assumed that a Baptist church was a New Testament church. But [Alexander] Campbell’s call for a restoration to a more apostolic order was a direct repudiation of this belief—at least on the surface. The 'present order of things' as Campbell explained it was overlaid with human 'system-makers' and 'inefficiency' rather than the New Testament purity of apostolic Christianity. Many Baptists uneasily admitted the charge. Actually Campbellism had brought a healthy challenge to the Baptist cause, whereby Baptist preachers were forced by Campbell to again search out valid reasons for their doctrines and traditions."

Quote from Chapter 4, "The Cambellite Controversy," of History of the Baptist Churches in Ohio, by Dr. Richard Clossman. Watch for our release date in late June or early July.

Picture is the cover of the pamphlet Alexander Campbell published of his debate with John Walker.