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Review of chapt 2 of Death of Legal Hope

Review of chapt 2 of Death of Legal Hope

21st Feb 2024

"All who are of the works of the law are under it as a covenant. But as such, it requires perfect obedience, and perfect obedience it must have, or there is no justification by it. No, the apostle, . . . takes it for granted that every man has offended and broken the law. Consequently, those who are under it as a covenant, not having abstained from every sin and performed every duty, its penal sanction lies against them and it denounces a curse upon them. . . . Remember that pardon of sin is a blessing so immensely rich; acceptance with God is a favour so extremely high; that if all the cattle on a thousand hills were your own, and together with the first-born of your bodies, were they devoted to make an atonement for the sin of your souls, were you to give all your goods to feed the poor and your bodies to be burned; all, all would be entirely unavailing to procure either the one or the other. For a righteous God cannot accept the performances or the offerings of a sinful creature as a compensation for the injuries done by his crimes. Besides, it is the province of grace and the work of Christ only to grant the pardon of sin and to render our persons accepted."

From the chapter entitled, "Unregenerate Sinners Alive to the Law as a Covenant," in The Works of Abraham Booth, Vol. 2.

Hardcover book, 326 pages, indexed, $27. Get your copy today at our website