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The essay by Jonathan Arnold on David Crosley (1669-1744) is the 15th chapter in The British Particular Baptists, Volume 1 Revised

The essay by Jonathan Arnold on David Crosley (1669-1744) is the 15th chapter in The British Particular Baptists, Volume 1 Revised

12th Jun 2019

"How shall our hands be strong, and our hearts endure, if instead of living religiously we be found to have lived profanely? If instead of reading the holy scripture, and hearing the word, we be found to read Romances and idle stories, and to have lent our ears to vain songs, plays and interludes; if instead of prayers and edifying discourses, we have given up ourselves to swearing, cursing, and obscene talking; if instead of sanctifying the Lord’s day, by attending religious worship, and waiting on God in his holy ordinances, we be found to have attended ale-houses, playing at cards, or foot-ball;…Above all, if instead of truly repenting for our sins, we have been hard-hearted, impenitent, neither fearing God nor regarding man; and instead of adhering to, and relying upon Jesus Christ by faith, and in true humility, and self-denial, surrend[e]ring our all into his hands, we have been found self-confident, presumptuous, pharisaical and hypocritical, Oh! How great will our disappointment be, if we thus go into eternity with a lye in our right hand." --from a funeral sermon by David Crosley (1743)