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The opening excerpt from Cleve Brantley's letter that we've entitled, "Judge Not."

The opening excerpt from Cleve Brantley's letter that we've entitled, "Judge Not."

14th Apr 2021

"Matt. 7:1—Judge not, that ye be not judged. First, consider what went before. Read the entire Sermon on the Mount chapters 5, 6 and 7. We have trouble with exposition because we take everything out of context. We isolate a text and try to build a doctrine on it. And always this results in a dogma of our own. This is where creeds and sectarianism originates. It is perfectly obvious to me why you are having trouble with this. You are coming to this Scripture in the very spirit it condemns! You are doing to this Scripture the very thing it tells you not to do! This is only one sentence in this sermon. Obviously you cannot form an adequate or just estimate of a speech that covers three chapters by one short sentence."

Get your copy today! The Works and Letters of Cleve Brantley.