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​This quote is from the Cleve Brantley letter we've entitled, "Leprosy."

​This quote is from the Cleve Brantley letter we've entitled, "Leprosy."

17th Mar 2021

"In the 13th chapter of Leviticus no hope is held out for the leper. But the 14 chapter opens with the great word that there is “cleansing” for him. Between the two chapters there is a great void. But Christ stands in that void. Just as there is a great void between the law and grace and Christ stands in that gap also. Now read Luke 5:12-13. Note that the man was “full” of leprosy. Look now at Leviticus 13:13. When the leprosy had covered the man completely and turned white (leprosy turns white in its final stage) the priest was to pronounce him clean, not unclean. To be truly lost is to be truly saved. A man must lose all hope of a worldly kind before he can hope in the Lord. Like the prodigal son in Luke 15, a man must reach the very end of all his resources before he remembers his father’s house and turns his footsteps thitherward."

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