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Early Indian Missions

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Early Indian Missions, as Reflected in the Unpublished Manuscripts of Isaac McCoy.

By Edward R. Roustio

 The historical importance of Isaac McCoy should never be minimized.  His work in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and finally Kentucky, was one of unrivaled significance in the early history of each of these states in regards to Indian affairs.

This book contains the history of the Maria Creek Baptist Church in Indiana, where McCoy first pastored, as well as an appendix by Emory J. Lyons entitled, “Isaac McCoy: His Plan of and Work for Indian Colonization.”

462 pages.  Illustrated and Indexed.


**We have a limited supply of an audio recording of Terry Wolever's presentation of "Isaac McCoy and the Founding of the First Baptist Church in Oklahoma." The CD is free for the asking with any order. Please put in the "Comments" section that you would like to receive a copy of the CD when you place an order for any Press book.